Mike Bradway – President
Mike started sweeping out freight vans after school and cleaning the garage, then worked into being a grease monkey, greasing the trucks in the fleet between school and racing motorcycles on Sunday. After greasing trucks Michael computerized the office and started in the accounts payable department in the office then into payroll and billing. After days working in the office he would jump in a truck and spot empty and loaded trailers back and forth to the terminal in the evenings.
Andrew Bradway – Vice President
Somewhere there is a picture of a three-year-old Andy Bradway and his brothers in coveralls, starting their careers at Bradway Trucking. Today Andrew Bradway is the President of Bradway Trucking. He is the son of company founder Melvin Bradway, and has been in the trucking industry his entire life.
Andy got started in his young life servicing trucks, performing maintenance services such as changing oil and brake jobs. Like his brothers, when he reached a legal age he obtained his license and performed local driving duties with Bradway. When the company bought their current space in 1993, Andy oversaw the running of the shop, including purchasing equipment and parts. He performed well enough for Mom and Dad to promote him to President of the company.
Andy Bradway believes in treating drivers with respect, paying them well, and giving them great equipment to drive. From his years in the industry, Andy understands the value of having drivers be satisfied with their careers.
Saftey – Director